Command Expression

Command Expression

Read the dialogue below and perform it in front of class!
Thalia : Rhutt! Where are you?
Rhutt : Yeah, Thalia. I’m coming. What’s going on?
Thalia : Look! What are you doing with the floor? It’s very dirty!
Rhutt : You know, I have made handmade from the ground.
Thalia : I don’t want to know. Sweep the floor before Mummy comes.!
Rhutt : OK. Never mind.
Kata- kata yang dicetak miring digunakan untuk memerintah seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu (command expression). Study the following expression and response!

Command Expression
Kalimat imperative adalah kalimat perintah yang berisi perintah (command), permintaan (request), peringatan (prohibition), nasihat (advice), saran (suggestion), peringatan (warning), compulsion.
Ø Sweep the floor, please!
Ø Clean the window!
Ø Open the door!
Ø Wash the disheas!
Ø Bring me the sugar, please
Ø Could you put this food there



 Coordinate conjuction menggabungkan unit struktur yang sama secara grammatical, misalnya noun dengan noun, verb dengan verb, adjective dengan adjective, clause dengan clause, membentu suatu Pararel Structure.

Beberapa coordinate conjunction, antara lain:
· And (dan), contoh : I and you are in the same class. (Noun dengan Noun)
· But (tetapi), contoh : The girl is beautiful but stupid (Adjective dengan Adjective)
· Or (atau), contoh : You can watch TV or cinema (Noun dengan Noun)
· So (sehingga), contoh: You must do your home work first so you can go out.
( Clause dengan Clause)
· Yet (tetapi), contoh : It was cold yet I still went swimming.
( Clause dengan Clause)



 Bahasa Inggris mengenal 2 bentuk kalimat tanya (interrogative) yaitu H/W Question dan Yes/No Question.

H/W Question
H/W Question merupakan kalimat tanya yang diawali dengan question word (kata tanya) seperti, what, who, when, where, why, how, which, whose, dan whom. Jawaban dari pertanyaan model ini adalah berupa kalimat.
Q: What is your name?
A: My name is Tsabit
ujaran my name is Tsabit merpakan sebuah kalimat.

Yes/No Question
Sebaliknya Yes/No Question merupakan pertanyaan yang tidak diawali dengan question words melainkan diawali dengan kata kerja bantu (auxilary verbs) atau to be, dan modals. jawabannya berupa yes atau no saja.
a. Diawali dengan auxilary verbs / to be
Q: Do you know Mr. Tsabit?
A: Yes / Yes, I do (atau No, I don't)
Q: Are you Mr. Tsabit?
A: Yes / Yes, I'm (atau No, I am not)
b. Diawali dengan Modals
Q: Can we go now?
A: Yes / Yes, we can (atau No, we can't)

Apology expression

Apology expression 

Read the dialogues below carefully!
1. A woman is talking with her son’s high- school principal.
Piero : Well, Mrs. Quitman, its look like your son going to be a Harvard man next year.
Mrs. Quitman : Dr. Piero, how can we ever thank you? You’ve done so much to help our boy.
Piero : No need to thank me. It’s part of my job, after all.
Mrs. Quitman : Well, thank you again anyway. We really appreciate the time and interest you’ve taken.
2. Mother and a daughter in the home.
Mother : Can you help me to cook our dinner, please?
Her daughter : I am sorry, Mummy, I have to finish my homework’s, but I can help you to prepare our dessert, Mom.
Mother : Can I show my appreciation by buying you an ice cream, tomorrow?
A daughter : Don’t mention it.
Perhatikan ketiga dialog di atas dengan seksama, ada berbagai macam ungkapan yang berbeda- beda dalam tiap dialog tersebut. Ungkapan – ungkapan tersebut, yaitu: gratitude/ thanking expression (ungkapan terima kasih), apology expression (ungkapan permintaan maaf), asking and giving information ( menanyakan dan memberi informasi)

Study this explanation carefully!
1. Thanking/ Gratitude expression (ungkapan terima kasih)
Thank you
Thank you for calling
That was very kind of you
It was very nice of you to help me
How can I ever thank you?
I can’t thank you enough
I really appreciate what you’ve done for my family.
Can I show my appreciation by buying you some of junk foods?
It’s O.K
Never mind
Thank you
Not problem
That’s all right
You’re welcome
Don’t mention it
That’s quite all right
No need to thank me
It was my pleasure
Thank you very much
2. Apology expression (ungkapan permintaan maaf)
I’m sorry
I apologize
Sorry about that
I beg your pardon
I apologize for saying that
I must apologize for my son’s rudeness
Please forgive me for having thrown your book away.
Forget about that
Don’t worry about that
No problem
I forgive you
I accept your apologies
You don’t have to apologize
There’s no need to apologize




Study these sentences!
1. I can run very fast.
2. I might come to your home.
3. Will you repair my car?
4. I could do it in the past?
5. She may be on the way to Jakarta.
Perhatikan kata- kata yang dicetak miring, dalam bahasa Inggris kata- kata tersebut disebut modal auxillary (kata bantu modal). Yang biasanya mengunkapakan sikap atau “mood” si pembicara. Detailnya dapat kamu simak pada tabel dibawah ini:
No. Modal Auxillary Functions Example
1.Can / Could a. Kemampuan I can finished this homework
b. Ijin You have finished your work. You can go home.
c. Kemungkinan He has not come yet. He can be on the way
d. Permintaan Can/ Could I borrow your car?
2. May / Might a. Kemampuan He may go home first before coming here
b. Ijin You have finished your work. You may go home
c. Permintaan May I borrow your car?
3.Will / Would a. Kehendak Don’t worry. I will help you
b. Permintaan Will/ would you accompany me to the mall?



Study these sentences!
  1. I go to school
  2. I meet him at the party
  3. This is my bag
  4. That house is yours
  5. She does the homework herself
Kata- kata yang dicetak tebal disebut Pronoun (kata ganti). Pronoun terbagi menjadi 7 jenis sesuai dengan fungsinya dalam suatu kalimat. Namun, kali ini kita hanya akan membahas 5 jenis Pronoun, yaitu:
Personal Pronoun
(kata ganti orang)
Possessive Pronoun
(kata ganti milik)
Reflexive Pronoun
(kata ganti reflexive)
Yourself/ yourselves
Sesuai dengan fungsinya, pronoun digunakan sebagai kata ganti dalam suatu kalimat. Setelah mengetahui pembagian seperti tabel diatas, lihat kembali kalimat- kalimat diatas dan coba tentukan termasuk dalam jenis yang manakan pronoun yang digunkan dalam kelima kalimat tersebut.


Expressing of politeness

Expressing of politeness

Study this dialogue below!
Two students in their canteen school
M1 : Excuse me, what do you want to order for drinking?
Asma’ : I want to drink a cup of coffee, please. How about you, Fadhila?
Fadhila : I’d like a strawberry juice, please.
M1 : Pardon?
Fadhila : I said that I ordered orange juice.
M1 : O.K How about the foods?
Asma’ : No, thanks. We just order the drinks first.
M1 : Excuse me for a moment, I will take your order.
Perhatikan dialog diatas dengan seksama terutama pada kata- kata yang dicetak miring, kata- kata tersebut digunakan dalam percakapan untuk menunjukkan kesopanan (Politeness expression).
1. Meminta perhatian seseorang : excuse me; what do you want to order for drinking?
2. Untuk meminta sesuatu dengan bahasa/cara yang sopan: I’d like a strawberry juice, please
3. Untuk meminta seseorang mengulangi apa yang diucapkan: Pardon?; I do beg your pardon?
4. Untuk memberitahu seseorang bahwa engkau akan meninggalkan tempat tersebut: excuse me for a moment, i will take your order.
Expression of  politeness
-    Could you + V1
-    Please,V1
-    Would you mind repeating that ?
-    Sorry, what did you say ?

More examples
-    Would you please pass me my dictionary ?
-     Could you give me the information about your friend’s identity, please !
-    Do you mind accompanying me to the supermarket ?
-    Would you please open the door ?
-    Do you mind taking my bag ?


All right

With pleasure
No thank you

Dialogue Winda and Rini come to Ronie's house. They are supposed to study together. Ronie: Hi Winda, Hi Rini, come in, please! Winda: Hi, Ronie. Thanks Ronie: Don't be shy, Rini. Would you please sit down! Rini: Thanks Ronie. I'm not shy. I'm admiring your house. It's so beautiful. Ronie: Hahaha... thanks. Don't say that. Let's study. In the dialogue, the word "please" and "would you please" are used for expressing politeness. If you want to say politely you may add the words. The following are some more examples of expressing politeness: Excuse me, could you give me soft drink, please? Stand up, please! Please, come on time!

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution
Dialogue Winda and Rini come to Ronie's house. They are supposed to study together. Ronie: Hi Winda, Hi Rini, come in, please! Winda: Hi, Ronie. Thanks Ronie: Don't be shy, Rini. Would you please sit down! Rini: Thanks Ronie. I'm not shy. I'm admiring your house. It's so beautiful. Ronie: Hahaha... thanks. Don't say that. Let's study. In the dialogue, the word "please" and "would you please" are used for expressing politeness. If you want to say politely you may add the words. The following are some more examples of expressing politeness: Excuse me, could you give me soft drink, please? Stand up, please! Please, come on time!

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution


Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris "Notice/Caution/Warning" dan Latihan

Notice/caution: adalah salah satu text fungsional yang berupa petunjuk agar seseorang melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Notice/caution ini dapat berupa frase (gabungan kata), clausa (kalimat), atau berupa  gambar/tanda/sign.
Warning: Larangan agar supaya seseorang tidak melakukan hal tersebut karena dianggap sangat berbahaya. Jadi, warning hampir sama seperti notice tapi tingkat bahayanya lebih tinggi dari notice. Sehingga larangannya bersifat lebih keras.
Soal yang biasanya muncul dalam notice/caution:
  1. Function/purpose of the text ( fungsi / tujuan text ):
-          What is the function of the text?
-          What is the purpose of the notice?
Functions of the notice:
a.To give instruction/to instruct people: untuk memberi petunjuk.
b.To give direction: untuk memberi arahan.
c.To ask people to…: untuk meminta orang supaya…..
d.To advice/to suggest/to recommend people to..: untuk menganjurkan orang supaya……
e.To remaind people to…: Untuk mengingatkan seseorang supaya….
f.To warn/to give warning; untuk memberi peringatan
g.To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to..: untuk melarang orang untuk….
  1. Meaning: arti/makna  notice tersebut
-          What does the notice mean?
-          The notice means……
Notice/caution menurut maknanya pada dasarnya dibagi menjadi dua jenis:
1.      Notice yang berupa arahan atau petunjuk.
Notice ini bisa berupa kalimat perintah, ajakan, nasehat, arahan atau petunjuk. Bisa juga berupa gambar/sign/tanda tertentu.
 Seperti: Be silent. SLIPPERY ROAD, BE CAREFUL
            Contoh notice arahan yang berupa gambar
2.      Notice yang berupa larangan.
Notice ini berupa kalimat larangan, (No, Don’t, Never), atau berupa gambar/tanda/sign yang diberi tanda garis miring atau tanda silang (crossing).
Misalnya    : Don’t be noisy, No parking, never speak up.
Contoh notice larangan yang berupa gambar.

Meaning of the notice:
a. Jika notice tersebut berupa arahan, maka maknanya akan identik dengan kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung
    makna: ( hafalkan kosa kata berikut)
- can/may                                             : boleh
- must/have to                                      : harus
- should                                                           : hendaknya, seyogyanya
- allowed/permitted/let                         : diperbolehkan
- suggested/recommended                    : dianjurkan
- asked/hoped                                      : diminta/diharapkan   
b. Jika notice tersebut berupa larangan, maka maknanya akan identik dengankalimat-kalimat yang mengandung
    makna:( hafalkan kosa-kata berikut)
            - can’t/may not/must not                      : tidak boleh
            - forbidden/banned/prohibited             : dilarang
            - not allowed/not permitted                  : tidak diperbolehkan
            - not suggested/not recommended        : tidak dianjurkan

c. Notice tersebut biasanya terdapat dimana.
-          Where can we usually find such a notice?
-          We usually find the notice in……

1. What does the notice on the right mean?
Keep the
      Room Clean
A.  Do not throw rubbish in the room                    C. Do not sleep in the room
B.   Do not destroy everything in the room                        D. Do not speak in the room
2. What is the text about?

A.  How to avoid accident                         C. How to close the lid
B.   The way to block the sunlight              D. The way to store a medicine

3. Where do you usually find the sign above?
A.  In the supermarket     C.   At the train station
B.   In the garden             D.  At the airport
4. Look at the following notice.
   What does the notice above mean?
A.  We are not allowed to walk near the place
B.   We are not allowed to come in the place
C.   We are forbidden to get out from the place
D.  We are forbidden to put something in the place.
5. Read the following notice, It is put on the glass door.
No children under 10 years
What does it mean?
A.  We don't have children under 10 years old.
B.   Children under 10 years old must enter the room
C.   Children under 10 years old mustn't enter the room
D.  There are no children under 10 years old in that room.
6. The following warning means that pedestrians should ... the grass.
Keep off the grass
A.  not cut                      C.   not keep
B.   not water                   D.  not walk on

7. Study the notice!

What does the notice above mean?
A.  We don't have to dry our hands
B.   We can't use our hand to dry something
C.   We should use the dryer to dry our hands
D.  We should use our hand to dry something
In case of fire don't use lift
but use fire exit door
 8. Where do you Usually find the caution'?
A.   Near the windows of the house       C.   At the door in a small house
B.   On the wall in a motel                      D.   On the lift in a building
9. Look at the traffic sign! It means …
A.  the road is winding  
B.   the road is slippery
C.   the car may not enter this street
D.  there are a lot of winding turns

10. The sentence above means ... in the classroom.
A.  don't make any noise     
B.   don't throw rubbish anywhere
C.   put the books on the bookshelf
D.  put the rubbish on the floor
Text for no 11       
  Switch off all electronic appliances when you don’t need them.
11. We will find kind of instruction in the following places, EXCEPT…
A.  at home                     C.   in the office
B.   at school                   D.  along the street

 12. Which of the following sentences best explains the above sign?
A.  If you break any of the articles you should pay for it 
B.   You don't have to buy articles that are broken
C.   In this section you will only find broken articles
D.  The shop sells special broken articles

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