Command Expression
Read the dialogue below and perform it in front of class!
Thalia : Rhutt! Where are you?
Rhutt : Yeah, Thalia. I’m coming. What’s going on?
Thalia : Look! What are you doing with the floor? It’s very dirty!
Rhutt : You know, I have made handmade from the ground.
Thalia : I don’t want to know. Sweep the floor before Mummy comes.!
Rhutt : OK. Never mind.
kata yang dicetak miring digunakan untuk memerintah seseorang untuk
melakukan sesuatu (command expression). Study the following expression
and response!
Command Expression
Kalimat imperative adalah kalimat perintah yang berisi perintah (command), permintaan (request), peringatan (prohibition), nasihat (advice), saran (suggestion), peringatan (warning), compulsion.
Ø Sweep the floor, please!
Ø Clean the window!
Ø Open the door!
Ø Wash the disheas!
Ø Bring me the sugar, please
Ø Could you put this food there