1. Menyapa para hadirin
Example :
Example :
Honorable the English teacher
Honorable my beloved friends
And ladies and gentlemen /
Honorable my beloved friends
And ladies and gentlemen /
Honorable the principal
Honorable the vice principal
Honorable the teachers
My beloved friends, audience.
Honorable the vice principal
Honorable the teachers
My beloved friends, audience.
2. Menanyakan kabar
Example :
Example :
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How are you this morning? I hope we are in a good condition in this lovely morning. Amien.
Good afternoon audience. How are you doing this afternoon? I really wish we are in wonderful condition in this beautiful afternoon. Amien.
Good afternoon audience. How are you doing this afternoon? I really wish we are in wonderful condition in this beautiful afternoon. Amien.
3. Mengungkapkan rasa syukur
Example :
Example :
First of all, I would like to thank to
God ALLAH SWT for he has bestowed us abundant mercies. because of his
blessed we could attend this speech activity in this beautiful morning.
(thanks God). especially, let’s send our peace and salutation to our
prophet Muhammad SAW, His messenger and his servant./
First of all, I would like to thank to
God for His blessed we could gather in this activity, in such a
marvelous day with a great audience and spectacular place. Then, let’s
send our peace and salutation to our prophet Muhammad SAW, His messenger
and his servant.
4. Mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih
Example :
Example :
I also would like to thank to the
English teacher who has provided me time to stand here in front of you
for conveying my speech./
I also would like to thank to the
Principal and teachers who has provided me time to perform in front of
audience to deliver my important speech.
5. Perkenalan diri
Example :
Example :
But before that, I would like to
introduce my self. Well, my complete name is Aprilia Purwanti. You can
call me April. I’m the second grade of Innovation class in SMAN 19
Kabupaten Tangerang./
But before that, in this precious moment
allow me to introduce myself. Well, my first name is Nawai and my last
name is Nafeeza. Please call me Nafeeza, N A F E E Z A (spelling). I’m
the third grade of exact class in SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang. I am
Australian but I lived in Indonesia since I was a baby. My hobby is
reading and I wish a lot to be a doctor someday. Pray for me gentelemen.