Direct and Indirect Speech (Percakapan Langsung dan Tidak Langsung)

Direct and Indirect Speech (Percakapan Langsung dan Tidak Langsung)
Pengertian Indirect Speech
Pengertian Indirect Speech
Indirect Speech (Percakapan
Tidak Langsung) adalah bentuk percakapan yang mengarahkan untuk menggunakan noun
clause (anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai noun atau kata benda)
untuk melaporkan apa yang telah dikatakan oleh seseorang.
Contoh Penggunaan Indirect Speech (Kalimat
Tidak Langsung)
Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung)
Speech (Kalimat Tidak Langsung)
Simple Present Tense
He said, “I watch TV every day.”
Simple Past Tense
He said (that) he watched TV every day.
Present Progressive Tense
He said, “I am watching TV every day.”
Past Progressive Tense
He said he was
watching TV every day.
Present Perfect Tense
He said, “I have watched TV every day.”
Past Perfect Tense
He said he had
watched TV every day.
Simple Past
He said, “I watched TV every day.”
Past Perfect
He said he had
watched TV every day.
Using Modal Auxiliaries
He said, “I will watch TV every day.”
Using Modal Auxiliaries
He said he would
watch TV every day.
He said, “I am going to watch TV every day.”
He said he was
going to watch TV every day.
He said, “I can watch TV every day.”
He said he could
watch TV every day.
He said, “I may watch TV every day.”
He said he might
watch TV every day.
He said, “I might watch TV every day.”
He said he might
watch TV every day.
He said, “I must watch TV every day.”
He said he had
to watch TV every day.
He said, “I have to watch TV every day.”
He said he had
to watch TV every day.
He said, “I should watch TV every day.”
He said he should
watch TV every day.
He said, “I ought to watch TV every day.”
He said he ought
to watch TV every day.
He said, “Watch TV!”
He told me to
watch TV.
He said, “Do you watch TV?”
He asked (me)
if I watched TV.
Jika kata kerja pelapor (kata kerja utama dari kalimat, contoh dari
kalimat di atas adalah kata: “said”) dalam bentuk past
(lampau), kata kerja pada anak kalimat biasanya juga akan menggunakan bentuk past
Ketika kata kerja pelapor menggunakan: Simple
Present Tense, Present Perfect Tense atau
Simple Future Tense, kata kerja pada anak kalimat (noun clause)
nya tidak berubah. Contoh:
She says, “I watch TV every
She says (that) she watches TV every day.
She has said, “I watch TV every day.”
She has said that she watches TV every day.
She will say, “I watch TV every day.”
She will say that she watches TV every day.
Lihat tabel dibawah ini untuk mengetahui bentuk
lampau dari modal auxiliaries.
Simple Present
Simple Past
Must / have to
Had to
CATATAN: Tidak ada bentuk Past
(lampau) untuk: Should dan Ought to