Subjunctive Pada Noun Clause (Klausa Nomina)

Subjunctive Pada Noun Clause (Klausa Nomina)

Penggunaan Subjunctive Pada Noun Clause (Klausa Nomina)

Silahkan lihat tabel di bawah ini untuk mengetahui penggunaan Subjunctive pada Noun Clause.
Our teacher demands that we be on time.
(Asalnya: “we should be on time”.)
I insisted that he pay me the money.
(Asalnya: “he should pay me the money”.)
I recommended that she not go to the concert.
(Asalnya: “she should not go to the concert”.)
It is important that they be told the truth.
(Asalnya: “they should be told the truth”.)
Pada contoh kalimat pertama di samping, fungsi be adalah Subjunctive Verb.
Subjunctive digunakan pada Noun Clause yang diikuti oleh kata kerja (verbs), kata sifat (adjectives), dan ekspresi (expressions) tertentu. Pada contoh kalimat di samping, Subjunctive Verb digunakan hanya dalam bentuk sederhananya. Yakni, tidak mengandung unsur atau bentuk present, past, atau future. Tidak juga tunggal (singular) atau jamak (plural), jadi tidak ada penambahan –s/-es pada kata kerjanya (Verb).
Pada kalimat negatif: not + simple form (bentuk sederhana / dari Verb 1), seperti contoh ketiga.
Pada kalimat pasif: bentuk sederhana dari be + Verb 3, seperti contoh keempat.
Subjunctive lebih sering digunakan pada American English daripada British English. Pada British English, (should, could, would) + Verb 1 lebih biasa digunakan daripada Subjunctive. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
-       I suggested that she see a doctor.
-       I suggested that she should see a doctor.
Penggunaan kata “should” mungkin untuk digunakan setelah kata suggest dan recommend.
Kata kerja (verbs) yang lazim diikuti oleh Subjunctive pada Noun Clause
demand (that), suggest (that), insist (that), recommend (that), request (that), advise (that), ask (that), propose (that)
Kata sifat (adjectives) dan ekspresi (expressions) yang lazim diikuti oleh Subjunctive pada Noun Clause
It is important (that), It is necessary (that), It is essential (that), It is vital (that), It is imperative (that)
Fungsi dan Contoh Subjunctive Pada Noun Clause (Klausa Nomina)
Perhatikan Tabel di bawah ini!
Contoh Kalimat
Untuk mengekspresikan kebutuhan (requirements) dan saran (suggestion) dengan menggunakan kata kerja (verbs) yang lazim diikuti oleh Subjunctive pada Noun Clause, yakni:
demand (that), suggest (that), insist (that), recommend (that), request (that), advise (that), ask (that), propose (that).
They requested that we not go after midnight.
Mr. Brian insists that we be careful in our writing.
The doctor recommended that she stay in bed for a few days.
The students suggested we have class outside.
She asked that we be sure to lock the door behind us.
Untuk mengekspresikan kebutuhan (requirements) dengan menggunakan kata sifat (adjectives) dan ekspresi (expressions) yang lazim diikuti oleh Subjunctive pada Noun Clause, yakni:
It is important (that), It is necessary (that), It is essential (that), It is vital (that), It is imperative (that).
It is necessary that everyone come here on time.
It is essential that pollution be controlled and eventually be eliminated.
It is vital that no one know about the secret government operation.
It is necessary that everyone come here on time.

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